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Scientists explore how the humble leaf could power the planet

"Researchers at Imperial College London embark on 'artificial leaf' project to produce power by mimicking photosynthesis"

Category: Energy sources


How aviation can clean up its act

"The aviation industry - a rapidly expanding sector - is looking for ways to secure its fuel supplies without increasing greenhouse gas emissions, says Fred Dryer. In the Green Room this week, he outlines some of the options...


Japan remembers Nagasaki

"The Japanese city of Nagasaki is commemorating the anniversary of the atomic bomb that fell on the city and led to Japan's surrender from WWII."

Category: Weapons


Nasa telescope passes planet test

"A Nasa space observatory launched in March this year has observed a planet circling another star."

Category: Space


Climate fixes 'pose drought risk'

"The use of geo-engineering to slow global warming may increase the risk of drought, according to a paper in Science journal."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1056 to 1060 out of 2977